He only offers three strains Kushy . Jalalabad Star ...Chitral and pakistani precious
I haven't grown the PP yet
In correspondence, indicated he has a Thai that has been worked as well.
Will plan to add Thailandian and Pakistanian genepool from my collection too."
He also inquired about broad acquisition of his genetics, but not in that biz myself.
Once again, thanks for the heads up on these BB.
Planted one bean of the JS Heirloom Affi this round (1 of 10 beans).
Small, black seed. It was one of only 2 in the group that didn't crack in the 36hr soak.
Few days after all others in group had come up but no JS#1, dug through and found the bean (still not cracked) and put into worm castings pulled right from the worm bin, and placed right under light so very warm. Kept wet, and in a few more days, it cracked. Removed the shell by hand. Then had to remove the membrane by hand to get cotyledons to open.
So, with some handholding, it's up and going!