Original MichiGangsta
Here's my dip recipe, and instructions for incoming, outsourced unrooted clones. I've already posted it here a few times over the years, with a very warm reception. We've all experienced the heartbreak of bringing in unwanted pests with imported clones at one time or another. Well it's time to put an end to it, and never worry about it again. It being the borg, or some other catastrophe waiting to invade your well kemp grow area!
Mix 2 tablespoons of bleach, and a few drops of dish soap, or a ml of coco wet per gallon of water. Shake well. Add this solution to a ziplock with your cuts and try to remove as much air as possible from the zip lock, and zip it closed. With your fingers, work the solution around your cuts. This is done to remove any tiny air bubbles that are still stuck to the cuts. Where an unwanted bug, bug egg, or a spore could possibly survive. Let your cuts sit in this solution, making sure they are completely submerged for 30 minutes. Take them out, and rinse them well under cold running water. Re-cut, and clone as usual. You'll never import any bugs, or molds if this is done correctly. I've even accepted cuts from folks who warned me that they had mites, and the cuts they'd sent were indeed very well chewed up. I still never got an infestation. If your clones are rooted, or already potted? Cut them off, and toss the pot, and the soil before you bring them into your inner sanctum! Use this dip, and then re-root them! This really works to keep your garden from unwanted invaders. Or if you've decided it's too bad, and you just want to scrap everything, and completely sterilize your growing area. But.... you want to keep your hard to source rare genetics. Do Not attempt to save the leftover solution for next time. It will not work. Make it fresh every time you need it. This stuff really works very well folks! One more thing. Trust nobody! Because they may not even be aware of their issue yet. Be 100% sure!
Mix 2 tablespoons of bleach, and a few drops of dish soap, or a ml of coco wet per gallon of water. Shake well. Add this solution to a ziplock with your cuts and try to remove as much air as possible from the zip lock, and zip it closed. With your fingers, work the solution around your cuts. This is done to remove any tiny air bubbles that are still stuck to the cuts. Where an unwanted bug, bug egg, or a spore could possibly survive. Let your cuts sit in this solution, making sure they are completely submerged for 30 minutes. Take them out, and rinse them well under cold running water. Re-cut, and clone as usual. You'll never import any bugs, or molds if this is done correctly. I've even accepted cuts from folks who warned me that they had mites, and the cuts they'd sent were indeed very well chewed up. I still never got an infestation. If your clones are rooted, or already potted? Cut them off, and toss the pot, and the soil before you bring them into your inner sanctum! Use this dip, and then re-root them! This really works to keep your garden from unwanted invaders. Or if you've decided it's too bad, and you just want to scrap everything, and completely sterilize your growing area. But.... you want to keep your hard to source rare genetics. Do Not attempt to save the leftover solution for next time. It will not work. Make it fresh every time you need it. This stuff really works very well folks! One more thing. Trust nobody! Because they may not even be aware of their issue yet. Be 100% sure!