What soil do you use....

if possible native soils would be ideal with organic cycling of nutes and green manure crops for added structure...................

for myself this is whats missing in most of todays gardens.........why was the ganja of the 60's-70's so much better......?.....grown with few if any additives in native soils under the sun and varieties that had naturally/geographically developed over generations while not being bastardized by the greed of modern man...................

ganj on........

barefoot's got it right..that's why the old time mex tasted so great..
everything is chem fed and even the organic chit isn't native soil..
now it's all about profit and growing big..
back in the day seeded pot was the norm and it was damn good and cheap coming up from mexico and south america..why was so good?..because it never been messed with, no cross breeding and adapted to it's location..
unfortunately many of us have bills to pay..so we grow what the masses want but now with all of this legalization crap coming about it's going to get even worse..it's going to become industrialized, controlled by local, state, federal agencies and corporations....

I'm guilty..I use ocean forest, perlite, california mix and some local compost..friggin mountain side is hard as rock..can't get any deeper then 2 feet and getting to old to dig..I can't afford a back hoe and even if I could there's no way to get it down there..been using more and more smart pots..

just like with fine wines here in northern california close to the coast with micro climates I think small growers over time will make a comeback..

look at it this way..would you rather eat a greenhouse or indoor chem grown tomato or one just picked from your back yard in the middle of september grown in decent native soil..
Am i the only one who doesn't consider pro mix a soil? I mean it even says soil less on the bag. Anyways that bag you posted a pic of sounds good, no personal experience. I would reccomend Potters Gold. Not sure if you can find it in the state your in but in my state it is the best avail. Made by really good dude, who will also make custom blends if you order enough. Good luck in finding what works for you.

true enough. but promix works excellent. and you can buy it by the bale at home depot.
Am i the only one who doesn't consider pro mix a soil? I mean it even says soil less on the bag. Anyways that bag you posted a pic of sounds good, no personal experience. I would reccomend Potters Gold. Not sure if you can find it in the state your in but in my state it is the best avail. Made by really good dude, who will also make custom blends if you order enough. Good luck in finding what works for you.

You are not necessarily wrong, which is why I describe adding perlite, glauconite and worm castings.

Technically a soil is one of or a blend of 3 things, source of said things notwithstanding:


Peat, degraded, qualifies as a silt. Perlite, acts as a large granule sand. Glauconite, as a clay.

Essentially, this mimics a classic loam, customized for Cannabis to my personal preferences.
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I tried to tap into that discussion few years back...


Welp, I may occasionally have a brain fart, but in my previous career, I was a Certified Soil Scientist by the US Soil Conservation Service (as well as a member of the American Ornithological Union, American Forestry Society, Fisheries and Certified as a Wetland Scientist).

I still remember pieces parts, too.

But, yeah, moons ago I had a thread on CC that included the soil composition chart. Soil always comes down to those 3 components--silt, sand, clay.

Let me see if I can find that graphic.

edit: here we go!

So are you educated folk saying that pro mix is a soil? Im not spouting pot forum myths, i am simply reading the label on the bag the medium comes in. If it is a soil, why does premier label it as soil less? If i am reading bogstomper correctly, pro mix only meets one of the 3 parts that make up soil. By saying perlite is a sand substitute that does not make it sand. As far as i can tell their is nothing in it that mimics or is close to clay in form or function. puff puff pass
Pretty sure my above post is talking to you, and you did not respond with anything other than saying read your thread, which i did. You brought up what you learned in school vs pot forum thinkers with the image of beating a dead horse, hence the educated folk comment.
If you think my manna is bashing you, you got soft skin amigo. I was under the impression manna was meant to convey a short message to a certain person and not clutter someone else's thread with personal comments. Then you send me manna, then you tell me i am stupid in the open forum. I wont clutter up this thread anymore with bullshit, unlike you. Can someone tell me how to block people on here please?
Edit-Found the ignore option.
Just to clarify, my comments regarding 'soil' were intended solely to clarify that 'soil' has a definition, and that ProMix is indeed a 'soil'. 100% sand, silt or clay still classify as a 'soil'. A blend of these classify a substrate as a 'loam'.

So, I think that many use the term 'soil' when they are actually referring to 'loam'.

Earlier, I inadvertantly stated that a 'soil' requires all 3 components, and that is incorrect.

Apologies for the confusion. The later the posting time, the greater the likelihood that I have had a few of something, the lower the accuracy. Mea culpa.
Just picked up a small bag of a Fox Farm impersonator I saw at Walmart out of curiosity. Not actually organic but designed to make you think it is. Seems ok. Needs more perlite


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I just read last night that Mushroom Compost is not good to use for starting seed or seedlings. Some thing about it holds to much water and will cause root rot and damping off. I just lost a seed sprout to rotting the other day.
The reason I ask is I'm thinking of changing up my soil and need some good idea's as to what to buy... Thanks ahead of time for any idea's... :cigar2:
Sorry I didn’t read all the comments but what are you putting into the soil? How are you feeding it? This is what is important to help make a recommendation. If you want something that is high feetigation then you want a coco heavy or a very airy soil to water. If you want a water only style then you want a type of super soil(not like sub cools, think more like coot or BuildASoil).